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  4. Научная статья № 79

Просмотры  53 просмотров

Annadurdyeva A.S.




this article discusses the features of the use of modern technologies in the production of materials and their features. A cross-sectional and comparative analysis of the influence of metal production methods on their properties was carried out   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, art, production, materials   

УДК 67.04

Annadurdyeva A.S.

master student

Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)





Abstract: this article discusses the features of the use of modern technologies in the production of materials and their features. A cross-sectional and comparative analysis of the influence of metal production methods on their properties was carried out.


Keywords: analysis, method, art, production, materials.


A composite material is a material whose structure consists of several components with different physical and mechanical properties: metallic or non-metallic matrices with a given distribution of hardeners in them, their combination gives the composite material new properties. According to the nature of the structure, composite materials are divided into fibrous materials reinforced with continuous fibers and whiskers, dispersion-strengthened materials obtained by introducing dispersed particles of hardeners into the matrix, and layered materials created by pressing or rolling dissimilar materials.

However, until recently, the enterprises mainly used manual laying out of parts from composites, and the serial production of manufactured products did not require deep automation of processes. Today, with the development of competition in the market, one cannot do without modern design and production preparation tools, as well as without effective equipment for working with composites.

Technologies for creating products from composite materials

In most cases, a chemically curing thermosetting resin is used as a binder filler, the curing process is characterized by an exothermic chemical reaction. Polyester, epoxy, phenolic and high temperature resins are mainly used. Most often, in the manufacture of parts of complex configuration, technologies are used, the essence of which is laying out a “dry” base, followed by impregnation with a binder composition (“wet” molding, winding, injection, Resin Transfer Molding / RTM) or alternately laying out a “dry” base with film glue (vacuum impregnation, Resin Film Infusion / RFI). There are several main technologies for manufacturing parts from composite materials, including manual and automated methods:

  • impregnation of reinforcing fibers with matrix material;
  • formation in the mold of the tapes of the hardener and the matrix obtained by winding;
  • cold pressing of components followed by sintering;
  • electrochemical coating of fibers with subsequent pressing;
  • deposition of the matrix by plasma spraying on the hardener, followed by compression;
  • batch diffusion welding of monolayer tapes of components;
  • joint rolling of reinforcing elements with a matrix, etc.

In addition, the technology for manufacturing parts using prepregs (semi-finished products, which are the base material impregnated with a binder), has become widespread.


The task of designing a product from composite materials is the correct selection of a composition that provides a combination of properties required in a particular operational case. When designing reinforced polymer composite materials, computer data processing is widely used, for which a large number of various software products have been developed. Their use allows improving the quality of products, reducing the duration of development and organization of production of structures, comprehensively, efficiently and quickly solving the problems of their rational design. Accounting for uneven loads allows designing a hull structure made of a reinforced composite with a differentiated thickness, which can vary dozens of times.

Modern software products can be divided into two groups: those that perform batch analysis of laminates in a "two-dimensional" or "beam/plate" formulation and in a three-dimensional one. The first group is programs like Laminator, VerctorLam Cirrus, etc. The "three-dimensional" solution is the finite element method, and there is a large selection among the available software products. There are various software products on the "composite modeling technology" market: FiberSim (Vistagy / Siemens PLM Software), Digimat (e-Xstream / MSC Software Corp.), Helius (Firehole Composites / Autodesk), ANSYS Composite PrepPost, ESAComp (Altair Engineering) and others.

The contours of products often have curvilinear generatrices, which cannot be verified using traditional "plaz" methods. Using 3D scanning, you can determine how closely a physical sample matches a 3D computer model. For 3D scanning, you can also use an arm-type coordinate measuring machine (CMM) or a non-contact optical/laser scanning system. However, when using non-contact scanning systems, as a rule, they cannot work correctly with mirror and high-gloss surfaces. When using "measuring arms", several successive resets will be required, since the working space, due to the design of the measuring arms, is usually limited to a sphere with a radius of 1.2-3.6 m.

Also, fiberglass materials have a number of problem areas. One of the main ones is quality control of the finished product (no air cavities) and corrosion during operation. For non-destructive testing of ship hulls made of composites, X-rays are widely used, but they tend to reduce it for a number of reasons. Recently, publications have begun to appear describing the detection of delaminations by infrared thermography (thermal imagers). At the same time, both thermal imaging and X-ray NDT methods detecting delaminations do not allow measuring their sizes and determining the depth of defects in order to assess their effect on changes in strength characteristics.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №12 (57) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Annadurdyeva A.S. MODERN TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PRODUCTS FROM COMPOSITE MATERIALS // Вестник науки №12 (57) том 4. С. 476 - 479. 2022 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/6904 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/6904

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